Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July in Philo, CA and Cam's first broken bone:(

In our normal holiday tradition, we spent our 4th of July holiday weekend at my uncle's ranch in Philo, CA (off 128 on your way to Mendocino) We packed up the dog, kids, food, Cam's dirtbike, and of course lizard catching supplies and headed up north.
As soon as we got up there, Karl got to work installing a security system on my uncle's new barn and the boys literally ran out of the car to go catch lizards. When Karl was done, he pulled out Cam's dirtbike and got him prepped to ride for the first time...

He wore his dirtbike helmet and Karl's soft armor Harley Jacket with all sorts of hard pads inside to help if he fell. Karl held onto the back handle for several laps around the property and Cam was serously grinning ear to ear as his went around and around. 

Finally, Karl let him go off on his own and he was so thrilled!

Dillon and I spent our time lizard catching while the big boys played...

Sooo... Cam had a great time riding and then we took a break to play some Monopoly. We were the only poeple up there at the time, the rest of the fam. was wrapping up their things at home and were going to meet us later in the evening. We took a break from Monopoly while Karl ran up to lock up the barn and Cam decided to have just one more ride around... and he crashed.  He fell into the ivy with the bike on top of him. He fell on a buried piece of metal flatbar that was used for landscaping years and years ago. He managed to hit his arm/elbow right on that metal strip and he was just sobbing when we got to him. I asked him if he needed to make the super long drive to the ER and he said yes. I knew we were in trouble :( I had to stay behind with Dillon because we had Jack up there and he couldn't just stay in the car at the hospital.
Long story short, Cam broke his elbow.  He has to have an appt. with an orthopedic surgeon hopefully tomorrow (they're closed for the holiday weekend) and everyone says he will need surgery.  I guess they will need to pin or screw the bones in order for them to heal, so there should be a pretty long recovery period afterwards. I spent the day today cancelling swimming lessons, football, and sleep away summer camp that he was so excited about. Oh well....
After Cam got home from the hospital, he was splinted up and high on Vicodin :) The next day the whole fam was up there and the boys spent even more time lizard catching. We finished up the night with s'mores and sparklers, and had a pretty good 4th of July weekend, all things considered!

Dillon playing with sparklers...
Cam's turn with sparklers...

Cam taking it easy with his splinted arm...

The lizard the boy's caught that was really, really, unhappy with the situation...

My photoshopped pic of Cam's arm, explaining the breaks.
I'm hopeful the surgery will be scheduled soon and he will recover super quickly. I will update with more as soon as I know!