As I pulled into Cameron's school for drop off this morning I realized I was just one black minivan lost in a sea of minivans that surrounded me. Sure, there were quite a few SUVs thrown in there for good measure, but I was still one of many that looked just like mine. As all the parents were pulling up and pushing their auto side door openers and letting their little ones out clad with umbrellas to shield them from the storm, it hit me. I never would have thought when I was 16 and had a little baby boy sleeping in my arms, that I would be so lucky to be stuck in suburban bliss. I never thought I would be driving my minivan, happy as a clam, my kids decked out giggling with their headphones on to the latest movie on DVD. I didn't have any idea where my life would take me, I was fully unprepared for all the life changing decisions that were to be made.
Once you have kids, a love that you could never even begin to imagine takes hold of your heart. You get excited about a shiny new minivan because it has so many things for your kids, even though you always thought you were more of a lifted SUV type. You take off your jacket and give it to your son in a rainstorm because once again, his got left at home, so you shiver while your out running errands. You stay up at night thinking about their problems and how to fix them. You do all these things with ease, because as a mom, you never stop to think about yourself.
I never would have thought my life would turn out this wonderful. I have such a great marriage and a husband that loves me unconditionally. After more than 10 years together, we still hold hands, snuggle up on the couch, and honestly miss eachother when we're apart for any amount of time. My family is my life, and as much as I complain about the boy's bickering or get stressed out, I never would have thought I would be this happy.
Everyone loves a meal plan.
Here's what we have coming up for this week:
Sunday - Baked cod, roasted baby red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - Homemade chicken, broccoli, ziti
Tuesday - ...
5 years ago
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