Well Happy Easter Everyone!!! We had a wonderful time this year, Dillon was finally able to fully understand what he was supposed to do, and Cam was old enough to understand he needed to let his little brother get some eggs too :)

I still feel pretty cruddy from this cold that just won't go away, so I will show you our Easter in pictures. They aren't in any sort of order, but they're still fun to look at!
Cam loungin around...

Dillon showing off his loot... He filled an entire laundry basket!

Cam showing off some of his loot...

Dillon taking a moment to pose for a picture...

The backyard... excuse the grass, we're trying our best to revive it as we speak!

Brother shot before they went outside...

Our beautiful eggs laid by our wonderful backyard chickens!

Dillon sharing his favorite egg...

Cameron sharing his....

Thanks for letting me share! Hopefully I'll feel better soon and post some more pics and stories from our crazy life these days!
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