The question was posed to Dillon yesterday before preschool by his friend... "Dillon, what do you want for your birthday"
His answer? (Without any hesitation by the way)
"Some more homework books."
How can 2 kids be so different from eachother? I mean really? Cameron HATED (Still hates if we're being honest) homework. It was a huge fight every single day from Kindergarten to the end of second grade. Now he's finally at the age where I just tell him to do it and he can face the repurcussions if it's not finished (although honestly there are none at his school, ugh, but that's a very long post best saved for another day!)
Dillon has several different Preschool and Kindergarten workbooks and CDs for the computer, he really loves to learn. Every day we do "homework" and he does really well. He can write a ton of letters from memory and almost all of them if he sees them and can copy how they look.
The boys both have some amazing qualities and things they can do that the other one can't/won't do, but it just baffles me on a daily basis that two kids raised the same way can turn out so different!
Everyone loves a meal plan.
Here's what we have coming up for this week:
Sunday - Baked cod, roasted baby red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - Homemade chicken, broccoli, ziti
Tuesday - ...
5 years ago
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