I thought for sure I would be totally bored by too much fighting sequences and be totally unimpressed by a story line that featured alien looking people, but much to my surprise, I LOVED the movie Avatar! My mom splurged and took Me, Cam, Auntie and Brian to see Avatar in IMAX 3D and it was AH-MA-ZING! I have never seen a movie at IMAX and it is like a whole new world opened up! I came home and tried to explain it to Karl, but it's just unexplainable. Our next date night will definitely be to an IMAX movie, he has to see what I'm talking about for himself!
One of the coolest things about the whole night was that Cam got to come along. It was a 3 hour and something minute movie that started at 4:45 on a Sunday night, so it was a treat to stay up so late. I got a ton of one on one time with Cam when he was little, before school it was always just him and I, much as it is now with Dillon. Now with school, events, friends over, and Dillon always around, time for just him and I to hang out is rare. Tonight was a lot of fun. He sat next to me in the 2nd row of the theatre so when he got a headache from being so close he laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. It was nice to snuggle with my boy who always acts so grown up. He sat next to me at dinner and we kinda re-bonded. It was something we really needed, so thanks mom!
Everyone loves a meal plan.
Here's what we have coming up for this week:
Sunday - Baked cod, roasted baby red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - Homemade chicken, broccoli, ziti
Tuesday - ...
5 years ago
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