I just have so much to brag about, and no where to do it! I figured since this blog isn't really read by too many people, it's kinda like a journal post to myself. I just want to be able to look back and remember all these details!
He's been able to ride a 2 wheeler since October 2009. We never put training wheels on his bike and he took to it right off the bat at Oma's on Monday morning. Grandma Marion and I took turns holding on to the back of his seat, and then he told us we could let go. Once we did, he just took off. Now he is standing up and peddling, going fast, doing brake skids, he's just incredible!
He has been completely potty trained during the day since 2 months before he turned 2 (so, 22 months old) He was also completely night trained a month or so after that (See! I'm already forgetting all the little details I didn't write down because "I would never forget that") We are so lucky to have had a kid that didn't like to be dirty and took to potty training so easily. We had a tough time with Cameron, he was Dillon's age before we made progress of any kind. There are so many parents struggling with this right now, we are soooo lucky.
He dresses and undresses himself completely. Socks, Shoes, Undies, Shirt, Buttons his jeans, everything.
He goes to the bathroom completely on his own. All we need to do is listen for "Mom? I'm done" and then come and wipe him. Not bad. I'll take it over wiping his buns and changing his diaper any day.
He unbuckles and buckles himself into his carseat. It has a 5 point harness too, so this isn't all that easy to do!
He is a computer whiz. He can take out a CD, put it in his computer, find the icon, get it started, he has already beat the Jump Start Preschool world game with all the levels! He can work the volume, navigate all his favorite website games (PBSkids.org, NickJR.com, Playhousedisney.com) He can do almost anything on there. I think he will be good with computers when he grows up.
As for Cameron, I don't have a ton of milestones since he's 9 and we're kinda past the getting dressed/walking/talking milestones BUT I do want to brag that he is my math whiz! I love reading and I'm pretty good at spelling, but anything past multiplication and division and my head starts to swim. Not Cam!! His school divides each 2nd/3rd grade class by testing all the students and placing them in reading and math classes that suit what level they're at. He love, love, loves his math teacher, Mrs. Lavelle. She is so sweet! Anyway, he came home the other day just as thrilled as can be. He said that the class came across a division problem and even the teacher didn't understand how to do it correctly. But Cameron did!! He told his teacher he could do it and she said "Ok class, for this problem Mr. Schmidt will be your teacher" and she sat down at his desk and he got to teach it to the class!! I am so proud!!
He is also doing really well in reading. Most of you probably know that this was a big struggle for him and this school year he has read and finished at least 5 books!! This is coming from last year when he had never finished a book before! He stays up late at night with his little book light (Thanks Grandma Marion!!) and reads.
Last but not least, one of my favorite things about Cameron has always been his adaptability. You can take him anywhere, any time and he will fit in and have fun. The first day of football, off making tons of friends. First day of school, no worries. He is able to go into any situation, and just fit in. I never realized how lucky we were until we had Dillon, who is MUCH more cautious and doesn't want to leave my side in a new situation. He is doing much better, but I am still reminded how lucky we are with Cam.
Thank you for letting me brag!! I am always so worried about hurting other people's feelings by saying what the kids can do, I have no one to share all this with!
Whoa!! We Just had an EARTHQUAKE!!! Dillon and I are sitting on the couch, he's watching a movie and I'm on the computer (obviously) and there was an earthquake!! Not huge, but scared the beezusus outta me!! Dillon was totally oblivious! Hahaha! They just said 4.6 magnitude. Not bad!
Everyone loves a meal plan.
Here's what we have coming up for this week:
Sunday - Baked cod, roasted baby red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - Homemade chicken, broccoli, ziti
Tuesday - ...
5 years ago
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