Just a bunch of random pics from this month...
So I wasn't feeling well yesterday (coming down with a cold) and I was being lazy on the couch. The kids brought out their tattoo kit and I was just horrified at the thought of getting up and doing tattoos. Karl jumped at the opportunity and here's the results:
Since the weather was beautiful for a few days, I was lucky enough to snap this great shot of Cam. He rarely will smile or pause for pictures, so this pic turning out so nice made me so happy! He is getting SO old!
This one's funny because Dillon suprised me in the morning by picking out his own outfit. This day was not beautiful like the day before, it was cold and wet. Anyhow, he picked out jean shorts (which I thought could match with anything..) along with a long sleeved grey and orange striped shirt that was inside out and backwards (hence the tag under his chin) and he topped it off with a way too big for him plaid overshirt that he dug out of the closet. He looks like a little orphan! I just had to get his little boy bruised shins and knobby knees. Cuteness!
Karl took this one... We didn't name Jack after the whiskey, (well, at least I didn't) The kids picked Jack because it was like Captain Jack Sparrow, I picked it short for Jack A** because he was one as a puppy, and I guess Karl named it after Jack Daniels. Funny how that all works out..
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