Karl wanted to go look at a super nice looking GMC Yukon that was for sale on Craigslist and since today was a yucky rainy day, we decided to make the 2 hour drive up to Santa Rosa. It was the best car ride I can remember having since Dillon was born. Now Cameron has always been a natural road trip kinda kid. Dillon on the other hand, never sleeps, and honestly doesn't like to stop moving for too long so he gets really restless. This trip today was awesome. They popped in the Batman movie on the way up and zoned out with their little headphones. Aaahh... peace and quiet!
After Karl saw the car he decided to pass for now because it had get this- over 350,000 miles! It was really clean and the price was right but he decided it was just too risky right now to take a car with that high mileage.
Anyway, on our way home we were sitting in traffic and decided that we should stop off to a sit down restaurant which is super rare because the kids usually make us nutty. We settled on Chilis which was quite a fight considering the kids desperately wanted Jack In The Box. We got in and got settled and had the nicest waitress ever. She asked Cam if anyone had ever told him he had beautiful eyes and he blushed (too cute!) She was super nice and friendly and it didn't come off as phony or anything. I don't know how to describe it, but she made you feel like you were old friends.
Towards the end of our meal we looked out and saw there was still a good bit of traffic so we decided to get a dessert to share since the kids were being soooo good. He asked the waitress if he could have a cherry on top and she brought him a whole cup! His eyes got so big and his grin was pure happiness. When she left he whispered in my ear "Mom, she's real pretty" I told him he should tell her that, it would make her happy. He got all bashful and shy and we finished up, paid and walked out. He told Cameron, "Wait, I didn't tell her she was pretty yet" So Cam took him back inside and Dillon told her. She got a huge smile, said thank you and asked if she could have a hug. She scooped him right up and give him a kiss on his cheek. He seriously smiled all the way to the car and half the way home! He walked off all super macho and cool too. Whenever we ask him about it now he just smiles and does his wiggly eyebrow thing, it's too funny.
Oh yea! I can't finish this post without the other funny thing he said at the restaurant. There was a huge guy there who was one of the waiters and Dillon kept staring at him. Finally he turned and looked at Karl and they had this conversation:
"Daddy, you need to get muscles like that guy"
"Oh yea?"
"Yep you do. When we get home, go in the basement and exercise k?"
Dillon thinks that you can't get muscles until you're a daddy btw.
Everyone loves a meal plan.
Here's what we have coming up for this week:
Sunday - Baked cod, roasted baby red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - Homemade chicken, broccoli, ziti
Tuesday - ...
5 years ago
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